Woman sitting at a table, 一边在纸上写字,一边用手机和笔记本电脑研究货币市场账户.

What is a money market account?


储蓄现金的账户选择通常分为三类: checking, savings and investing. A money market savings account, 也被称为货币市场存款账户或货币市场账户(MMA), fits somewhere between checking and savings. It's a savings account that earns interest, 但它有支票福利,可以让你更自由地使用资金. 这里有一些额外的信息来解释货币市场账户是如何运作的.

Advantages of money market accounts

货币市场账户通常会提供较高的利率, access to a debit card, 有能力开支票,通常由pp王者电子官网公司承保 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or the National Credit Union Association (NCUA) to at least $250,000 per depositor.

Disadvantages of money market accounts

有了这些账户,你需要保持每月最低余额, 限制在一定数量的交易,并可能遇到额外的 fees.

Money market account vs savings account

而货币市场储蓄账户通常有较高的利率, 他们在开户时可能需要更多的存款,并且有更高的最低余额(2美元),500). 如果余额低于最低限额,你可能会面临罚款. The funds may also be more liquid; with checks and a debit card included, 您可以直接从您的货币市场储蓄账户进行交易, 储蓄账户通常要求你先把钱转到自己身上. 根据法律规定,这两个账户通常每个月允许进行六笔交易. 这些交易可以是写支票,使用借记卡或将钱转移到另一个账户.

Money market vs checking account

这两种账户都有一个共同的特点,比如无限存款, use of debit cards and check writing privileges. Nonetheless, mma可能对每月允许的交易数量和避免费用所需的最低余额有限制. 通常,mma会提供比支票账户更高的利率. 有关限制,请咨询您的银行机构, 您选择的账户的利率和具体规则.

Benefits of money market accounts

如果你想从你的钱中赚取利息,但又想方便地获得这些资金, a money market savings account may be for you. For instance, it may be a good fit for an emergency fund or anything you wish to save for. You can keep those budget items out of sight so you don't spend them, grow them with interest, and have them available in a pinch. 考虑使用你的货币市场账户建立一个直接存款或支付一些经常性费用-只要记住最低余额和最大交易次数.

由于综合格斗的收益不受市场波动的影响,这是一个安全的选择. You also don't face penalties for accessing the funds, 只要你保持在你的银行或信用合作社规定的每月交易和余额限额之内.

Get started

If you think a money market account may fit your needs, 你可以先买利率最高的. 因为它不是一个投资账户,你不会为更高的收益承担更大的风险. 然而,你可能需要考虑一些其他因素:

  • Are there monthly fees? How much?
  • Is a monthly deposit required?
  • What's the initial deposit minimum? Do you have that ready?
  • What's the minimum balance? Is it reasonable for you to maintain?
  • Does interest compound daily or monthly? (Daily interest will earn you more.)

既然您已经阅读了有关货币市场账户的信息, you may be interested in learning more about money market funds, the basics of checking accounts or different types of savings.

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