由蜡笔组成的学习用品, 剪刀, 油漆, 橡皮擦, 笔记本电脑, 彩色铅笔, 纸夹, 标记, 等.


These back to school shopping tips can help you avoid overspending on school supplies and buying duplicate items.

From back to school supplies to dorm essentials, stocking up for a new school year can strain any 预算. Start with your child's school to see if they have a school supplies list to help keep you on track. Then, consider these simple back to school shopping tips to help you plan smart and cut costs.


  • 预留一个学校供应中心位置: Grab a plastic bin or use the dining room table for the supplies as you get them. 在你购物之前, create a back to school shopping list (or use the school supplies list provided by your kid's school) to make sure you don't end up with duplicate items.
  • 在淡季囤货: Many retailers mark down school supplies weeks after back to school shopping peaks. 为时尚交易打分, must-have items for this year and stock up on basics like glue and paper for upcoming years.
  • 看看你可能已经拥有的东西: You'll be amazed at what you find in the kitchen junk drawer, desks, closets and basements. 也, take a look at the school supplies left over from the previous year because you might be able to reuse some.
  • 计划物资交换: If you end up with some duplicate items, swap them with your friends who may need them. 帮助 有需要的人 you might consider donating extra school supplies to local schools or shelters.
  • 制定预算并坚持执行: Determine how much money you can spend, then evaluate needs versus wants. Review supply lists before heading to the store and note what you already have. Include your kids in the process for a valuable lesson about 预算ing.
  • 寻找交易: Buy a Sunday paper to check weekly ads for the best savings and clip any school supply coupons. Follow your favorite stores on social media to keep up with deals, or use a free app like ( 查找特定商店的优惠券. Take advantage of price matching that many stores offer or look for deals with local grocery stores.
  • 免税购物: Some states offer tax-free holidays during back to school season. 看看你的州是否cipates.
  • 网上购物安全: Shopping online adds convenience and the potential for added savings. 如果在网上订购,考虑一下这些简单的建议:
    • 使用 安全可靠 websites with "http" and a padlock symbol in the address bar.
    • 在线支付 用信用卡代替借记卡. Credits cards typically have added protections against fraudulent charges.
  • 考虑购买质量好的物品: It's a good idea to consider investing in good quality backpacks, lunch boxes or other items with a warranty in case they need to be replaced within the school year. 考虑买一个可重复使用的饭盒 帮助我们的地球 一路走来.

还记得, back to school time is a great time to go through your kids' closets to find clothes they've outgrown; consider 捐赠给当地的慈善机构.

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